Junior Interclub

Junior members have the option to play in the Tennis Canterbury Junior Interclub league. Matches are held on Friday evenings or Saturdays mornings at clubs around Christchurch in various age groups and grades. 

8 Sep Challenge matches commence
18 Sep Teams entered with Tennis Canterbury
29 Sep Final day for team challenges
14 Oct Interclub team coaching begins
18-19 Oct Interclub begins
13-14 Dec Final Interclub match for 2024
7-8 Feb Interclub resumes for 2025

 Interclub grades

Grades are in now only in 2-year age splits

  • The following grades will be available to enter: 
  1. Friday 4:30pm - 10U (Mixed), 12U, 14U, Open (depending on interest)
  2. Saturday 8:30am - 10U (Mixed), 12U 
  3. Saturday 10:30am - 14U, Open, Premier Primary, Premier Secondary

Once entries have closed, Tennis Canterbury (TCRI) will allocate teams into divisions within their age groups based on the ‘average ranking’ of Match Hub points in each team. TCRI may combine grades or age groups if numbers are low, or to give teams more meaningful matches. 

Date of Birth / Age Groups:

Open - 1/4/2006 - 31/3/2010                                      14U - 1/4/2010 - 31/3/2012

12U - 1/4/2012 - 31/3/2014                                         10U - On or after 1/4/2014

Premier (Primary) - Year 6 to 8                                  Premier (Secondary) - Year 9 + 

 Junior Premier

This grade will have the same format as the 2023/24 (3 player teams) and is aimed for our junior players competing at a tournament level. We highly recommend all clubs to support this competition as it is the best way to get competitive matches on a weekly basis. 

Key reminders for Premier:

  • If a player is Year 8 in 2024, and turns Year 9 in 2025, they have the option to stay in Primary all season OR move up to Secondary in the Post-Xmas season
  • Dispensations may only be approved to Year 8 players (wanting to play secondary) who are top 20 in New Zealand - this must be communicated to TCRI 
  • All players aged 14 and below must participate in a junior competition if they want to be eligible for senior tennis

 Grading placements:

Boys Premier Primary - Top 2 players should be ranked S10 or better

Girls Premier Secondary - Top 2 players should be ranked S10 or better

Boys Premier Secondary - Top 2 players should be ranked S8 or better

Girls Premier Secondary - Top 2 players should be ranked S9 or better


Shirley Tennis Club operates a full ladder for those wanting to play Interclub where juniors will play matches against other juniors in their age group. We acknowledge that many juniors like to play with their friends, and we will be more than happy to accommodate these players requests. Ladder matches will still be played to determine playing order within teams, and establishing placement of new players within a Junior Interclub team for their first season.

Visit Tennis Canterbury for grading lists, draws and points tables:


In an effort to ensure our Junior Interclub teams are well presented, a club playing shirt is made available for all team members to wear and is a compulsory part of interclub teamwear. The polo shirts will cost $15. Samples will be available for viewing at the Clubhouse and orders will be placed with Suppliers on a couple of occasions over the season (subject to demand). Orders should be placed on the appropriate sheet on the noticeboard if they are not immediately available. All interclub players should be aware that if they fail to wear their shirt for an interclub match, then he/she will receive a warning. If that person fails to wear his/her shirt for a second time, the player will be removed from the interclub team for the remainder of the season.

Team Selection/Ladder

The ladder operates on the following basis - 

  • From the start of the season through to the closing date for team entries the ladder is open. Any person can challenge any other player on the ladder.  If the Challenger is successful, he/she will move up the ladder to the position immediately above the person challenged.
  • From the closing date for team entries, the ladder is deemed to be closed.  This means that any person can only challenge another who is at most two positions above his/her current position.
  • The only other time the ladder is open is when Club Championship matches are played. All singles matches played affect the ladder positions.
  • Any new players to the Club go on the bottom of the ladder and have to work their way up.

The following rules apply for all ladder challenges -

  • All matches are the first to 6 games for 13 and under age groups, and first to 9 games for 14 and over age groups
  • All ladder matches should be advised to Theserie Aknine and results advised as soon as possible.
  • All ladder matches should be played within 7 days of acceptance.
  • Any player only needs to accept one challenge match per week (Monday - Saturday)
  • No player can refuse a challenge.
  • The challenger must supply a pair of top-grade balls for the match.
  • A player challenged cannot be re-challenged by the same person
  • If a player defaults a ladder challenge, his or her position on the ladder drops to the position immediately below that of the challenger, consequently all players between the challenged and challenger will move up one place


For Junior Interclub cancellations please visit:

Junior Interclub Contacts

Contact Theserie Aknine: